First periodic radio signals detected from unknown source

First periodic radio signals detected from unknown source

The first periodic radio signals have been detected for the first time that comes from an unknown source. These Fast Radio Bursts come from as far as 500 million light-years away, a distance that stretches beyond our galaxy. And astronomers have assigned 180916.J0158+65 as the name of the source. Now, astronomers and scientists observed the source for 500 days and came to a concrete 16-day pattern. These first periodic radio signals ever recorded have a four-day slot of radio waves occurring randomly.

Citizen Science, Earth, Engineering, Physics, Science, Space
New material for gravitational wave detection.
Image: MIT

New material for gravitational wave detection.

The world is standing at a juncture, when today, we can detect and read gravitational waves. Thus Nicholas Demos a student from the MIT’s Kavli Institute, is inclined towards producing new type of mirrors that would produce the least thermal noise and help in deducing gravitational waves. And also engineer a device that tests mirrors entirely and not just the few upper coated layers. The only such existing apparatus in the world was developed by Matthew Evans, who is the MIT MathWorks professor of Physics and also Demos’ advisor, along with the Research Scientist Slawomir Gras. The apparatus would help researchers and scientists, measure thermal noise through the entire sample.

Engineering, Physics, Science, Space, Technology
Global climate is interconnected- Evidence of See-Saw effect.
Image : NASA

Global climate is interconnected- Evidence of See-Saw effect.

Scientists also use the simulation method to find out the fluctuating dynamics of ice-sea relationships over the past 40,000 years. Now, during the past 20,000 years, the ice sheets of Antarctica have gone through various episodes of quick melting. Scientists call these various melting phases “meltwater pulses”. They maintain that the Antarctica ice sheet is seemingly stable even after having undergone myriad changes. Ice sheets must have weighed much more than 26 million gigatons and would have spread beyond 14 million square kilometers, as they are now.

Earth, Earth Energy Environment, Environment, Nature, Science
Separating primordial gravitational waves-New Technique
Image: MIT

Separating primordial gravitational waves-New Technique

A promising method developed by the students at the MIT, claiming to sift the primeval wavelets has already been published in the Physical Review Letters. In contrast to the existing method that played around the guessing of gravitational waves emanating from various types of cosmic collisions, the new method aims at percolating the constant non-random patterns from the gravitational-wave data and leaving behind the larger chunk of gravitational noise. The newer method uses simulation technique that utilized 400 seconds of gravitational wave sets.

Earth, Earth Energy Environment, Engineering, Physics, Science, Space, Space Planets, Technology
Latest airborne technology to see underwater
Image: Stanford News

Latest airborne technology to see underwater

The PASS is an efficient instrument that takes advantage of its strengths of utilizing the light where it travels the best i.e. the air. And the sound, where the sound travels extremely well, i.e. in the water. The system has a LASER that throws a beam of light, which gets absorbed at the surface of the water and is then converted into sound waves. These sound waves further travel through water and get reflected from the underwater objects and reach the instrument above where they are converted into electrical signals. This reception of the reflected sound waves takes place through extremely sensitive sensors called transducers. Then PASS also has intelligent algorithms that jot down the received sound signals as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and produce the required 3-D image of the corresponding underwater object.

Engineering, Physics, Science, Technology
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