New material for gravitational wave detection.
Image: MIT

New material for gravitational wave detection.


The world is standing at a juncture, when today, we can detect and read gravitational waves. Thus Nicholas Demos a student from the MIT’s Kavli Institute, is inclined towards producing new type of mirrors that would produce the least thermal noise and help in deducing gravitational waves. And also engineer a device that tests mirrors entirely and not just the few upper coated layers. The only such existing apparatus in the world was developed by Matthew Evans, who is the MIT MathWorks professor of Physics and also Demos’ advisor, along with the Research Scientist Slawomir Gras. The apparatus would help researchers and scientists, measure thermal noise through the entire sample.


Getting new material for gravitational wave detection has become the success saga of MIT’s Kavli Institute’s student, Nicholas Demos. Demos is dedicated to burning the midnight oil to engineer a piece of equipment and comprehend gravitational waves better. He wishes to have a new material for gravitational wave detection that is made of mirrors.

Demos’ family background

A first-generation student from his family Demos has a different story to tell about his career. After his father’s death, Demos had to adjourn his studies to look after his family business for five years. The business produced handheld spotlight devices, with the name of Novatech Spotlights. But the monetary chase dint satiate Demos’ inner call for long.

Demos’ zeal for physics and new material for gravitational wave detection

When his brother graduated, he took hold of the family business. And then Demos’ wish to reinvigorate his passion for physics came as an obvious choice to him. He had a profound understanding of subjects like math and science since childhood. And was the only proud student of his class to clear the Calculus exam whilst juggling between studies and selling computers out of his garage. But this was only the beginning of his story that has its end in the development of new material for gravitational wave detection.

Demos at the CSU Fullerton and the LIGO

At CSU Fullerton, his physics professor offered him a seat in his lab, as he had an immense appetite for physics. Demos justified this opportunity and joined the club to hunt the gravitational waves. He worked with LIGO’s newer version that had better sensitivity.

LIGO stands for “Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory” and is considered to be one of the exceptional examples of sophisticated engineering. It first detected gravitational waves in the year 2015 that animated everyone in the astrophysics world.

Construction of LIGO

Now the LIGO’s consists of two long beam tunnels 4 Kms each, perpendicular to each other, and makes an L-structure. In this L-shaped structure, scientists bifurcate a beam of light and run it through these tunnels or chambers. These light beams hit the mirrors of high reflective quality rebound to the L-juncture. That’s what makes the LIGO an efficient detector for gravitational waves when they ripple through the earth. Demos thus intends to build new materials for gravitation wave detection to a fine precision. The detection of the gravitational waves is based on their difference in speed from the light. While the light travels at a fixed speed, gravitational waves compress and relax the time-space fabric. These relaxing and compressing gravitational ripples distort everything that comes in their way.

LIGO is much more than an observatory

‘O’ in the LIGO stands for observatory though, it is much more than that. It is a living physics experiment that runs and improves every day and conceives fields like gravitation, cosmology, astrophysics, particle, and nuclear physics. Now, LIGO does not observe electromagnetic radiation and thus is a lot different from regular optical or radio telescopes. It listens to cosmic events associated with extremely dense and concentrated objects like black holes and neutron stars. And even the cataclysmic phenomena of colliding of massive bodies that release ripples.

Demos believes that digging deeper into the gravitational waves could help know the unknown of the universe. Thus, his zeal towards developing new materials for gravitational wave detection burns all the more. Later in the year 2017, with completion of his degree, he applied to MIT and caught the attention of a very renowned MathWorks Professor, Matthew Evans.

Miniscule size of Gravitational waves

Gravitational waves are unimaginably miniature and their segregation from the noises is taxing for the scientists. Demos understands that well and also knows that LIGO measures a wave that is nearly one-thousandth of a proton. Its rulers wriggle while it measures such waves that are unthinkably tiny. And banging of the atoms also adds to the overall compulsive noise which makes segregation of gravitational waves difficult. Thus search for a new material for gravitational wave detection is imperative for the astrophysics world.

New material for gravitational wave detection

Nicholas is among the few people who work towards building and testing new mirror materials. Such mirrors would emanate the least thermal noise and thus would be assets. Work is also on for developing a device that examines full mirrors as contrary to the apparatus that tests only, a layer or two of the coated mirrors.

The credit for developing only such apparatus in the world goes to Matthew Evans and the Research Scientist Slawomir Gras. Until now Evans could only gauge thermal noise at a particular point, but the upgraded process shall gauge thermal noise through the sample. The fattest feather was added to Demos’ cap, in September when MathWorks, a software organization honored him with a $70,000 fellowship. Nicholas used MATLAB for his research work and re-engineered the code upwards. Evans, applauds Demos for his uncommon modest approach towards life which transcends to his work.

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