Top Ten Nikola Tesla’s Achievements

Top Ten Nikola Tesla’s Achievements

Nikola tesla was born in the Australian empire and is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. He was an electrical and mechanical engineer, a visionary man and a great inventor. He opened laboratories and some companies where he invented mechanical and electric devices but before all of this he just worked as a normal employee for a short period of time at the Edison machine works which was situated in New York. His inventions of alternating current (AC), induction motor and polyphase AC patents helped him and his company gain a lot of money and popularity. One of his best inventions was the wireless controlled boat which was first ever displayed in an exhibition. During 1893 he suggested that there is a possibility of wireless communication with the help of his devices, so he tried to put it to reality but eventually ran out of money and resources before even completing it. He gained success in the 1910s and 1920s but after that he went out of money again and was left with unpaid bills. January 1943 was the unfortunate year as Tesla died in New York but left a mark with his inventions and ideas which are being followed even today. Many people tried to copy his work and eventually gained success as at that time Tesla was too poor to fight for his inventions. Listed below are his top ten inventions that will blow your mind.

  1. The Neon Lamp

Today you see these attractive signs at restaurants, bars, salons and almost everywhere which are bright and are filled with neon colours that suddenly catch your eyes, well they were invented by Nikola Tesla. He did not invent the neon and fluorescent lights but in 1893 at the Chicago world’s fair he showcased neon lights and the designs we can make with them.

2. The Niagara Falls Transformer House

The building was constructed in 1895 and is situated in Niagara Falls, New York. Thomas Edison was the first choice for building it but impressed by Nikola’s work the commission handed the responsibility to him. In 1975, the building was uploaded to the national register of historic places. In 1983, it was designated to a national historic landmark and also became IEEE Milestone in 1990.

3. The alternating current

Alternating current is the most brilliant design of Tesla which caught the eyes of George Westinghouse who was a businessman and an American engineer. His plan was to supply the nation with long distance power. In 1888 he bought his patents for $60,000 in cash and stock in the Westing house corporation.

4. Tesla coil

The Tesla coil is used in radio technology even today. It was an electrical resonant transformer circuit which was capable of producing high voltage, low current, and high frequency alternating current electricity. Tesla used his technology and research with x-rays, wireless power and radio himself. Originally his coil was used in antennas for radio transmission.

5. Shadowgraphs

Tesla would have been the first one to produce the first X-ray image in the United States while he was trying to use a vacuum tube to get an image of Mark Twain but the image that was produced during the scientific research, just displayed the screw that was keyed to the camera lens. After a few more attempts he was able to shadow graph images of the human body.

6. The magnifying transmitter

The transmitter is an advanced version of the Tesla coil transmitter that was used in radios. Tesla was confident and believed that out of all his inventions, the magnifying transmitter was the most valuable and important for the future generation. The transmitter was harmonic oscillator which had high power and the purpose of it was for the wireless transmission of electrical energy. The transmitter was capable of holding and generating high voltages.

7. The tesla turbine

With a lot of hard work and dedication Tesla invented his very own turbine style engine that used combustion for the working of the turbine in the year 1913, which is also popularized as the blade less turbine. His motto was to only use fluids for the movement of the turbine which he was able to accomplish and the efficiency was as high as 90%. As of today many people have experimented with Tesla turbine.

8. Radio controlled boat

On 8 November 1898 Tesla invented a radio controlled boat called the “teleautomaton” that was displayed at the electrical exhibition at Madison Square Garden. The working of the radio boat was all based on the radio waves which were received by coherer which was a radio sensitive device. He did not have a patent because the patent office believed it was not feasible, but eventually he proved them all wrong. The technology of radio and robotics which he used still lies among the best drones.

9. The induction motor

Tesla along with Galileo Ferraris started working independently on the first induction motor that used alternating current. Tesla filed the patent first, but in 1885 Ferraris presented it first. Today we see this motor in most of the things in our house such as blow dryers, vacuums and many other electrical tools.

10. Radio

Today radio is one of the most important things us people need while travelling when we are bored. The creator behind this wonderful thing is no other than Nikola Tesla who did a huge amount of research and experiments on radio waves. Tesla submitted his patent in 1897 which was granted to him in the year 1900. Another man named Marconi had similar ideas, so he submitted his patent too but was rejected because it was almost the same as Tesla’s. He took many ideas from Tesla and started his own company. Soon he was able to transmit signals which impressed the patent office, so they changed their decision and accepted his patent. Tesla did not have much money to fight for copying his ideas which eventually led Marconi to become the inventor of radio.

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