Top Ten Safest Countries In The World To Dwell In

Top Ten Safest Countries In The World To Dwell In

The world is home to 195 countries. Every country has different ideology in order to deal with the internal and external affairs. In the 21 century safety of a person in a nation has a greater horizon than ever. The analysis of safety can be done of the basis of the peace index, crime rate, level of harmony and discord, security and being are in midst of a pandemic the health care system of the country also plays a fundamental role in the safety.

Every year the institute for Economics and Peace publishes a report known as the Global Peace Index(GPI) which compares the peacefulness of the countries around the globe. This analysis is done on the basis number, duration, and role in external conflicts, internal conflicts political stability, relation with the neighboring countries, impact of terrorism and a number of other factors. While most of the Asian countries lie in the end, European countries dominate this list.  Following is a list comprising of the top ten safest countries in the world.


 With a population of less than half a million, this European country is the safest in the world. It has been on number 1 spot in the global peace index report from the past 12 years. One of the least prone countries to natural disasters, Iceland is heaven on earth for people living there. The background of the country proves it to be the most non-violent while treating it’s citizens with equality without any discrimination on the basis of gender. With the government taking care of its citizens living cost, the people and government of Iceland could manage to deal with the catastrophic situation of covid-19 wisely.


With a score of 1.192, new Zealand bags the second position in the safest country category according to the global peace index. New Zealand , a country sheep than people have really open minded people. The country not only has a comprehensive government safety regulation programs  but also has laws to protect the freedom of speech and expression of it’s citizens. The crime rate in the country is also low. After mass shooting at a mosque a year ago the reputation of the country was at stake. Effectively handling the pandemic the country exercised efficient lockdown and has nearly vaccinated all it’s citizens.


Portugal is also known as the country of immigration.  It is a safe place for travelers  and even for the people living there. Portugal visa is a high ranked one and it gives visa access to a number of countries. Portuguese prefer a simple lifestyle and favor traditional over modern.


Country with one of the lowest crime rate Austria is a safe destination for tourists. Know for its beauty, Austria is very close to nature. Serious crimes are very uncommon in Austria and there is a sense of community and civic duty in the people of Austria. Bearing  low unemployment and inequality rate Austria is definitely worth living in and travelling around . The country offers high income rate per capita.


 Named as one of the worlds happiest country time and again Denmark is a safe country in various aspects. Like other Nordic countries people of Denmark have amazing work life balance, great healthcare system and a clear environment.  The people of Denmark are warm and welcoming to outsiders who want to settle in the country. Corruption in politics and business is also very rare.


 Despite being the second largest country in the world, Canada has a relatively low population of around 38 million people.  Based on it less internal conflicts and low level of crimes it is ranked 6th in the global peace index ranking which makes it a safe country to dwell in. Canada has great immigration policies providing free education and medical care for skilled workers.  Canada is a safe destination to travel and has a trusted, easy to contact and quick to respond police.


 One of the smallest countries in the world, Singapore  has a low crime rate because of the severe penalties issued even for pity crimes. it has the core and low domestic and international conflicts. It is among the least corrupted country and offers best infrastructure and personal security, ranks second in providing digital security and eighth in the healthcare system. Death by covid  in the country were 5 deaths per million people. It’s a safe and clean country to live in.


Broken from Czechoslovakia, Czech republic is a landlocked country. Crime rate in the country has decreased over the years. Despite having easy access to weapons, there is a low impact of terrorism in the country. It has a very efficient judiciary system and great assessment of security forces and police.

  • JAPAN 

 The country is so safe that even the police don’t carry a gun. Japanese people look after each other without at fear and doubt. People here don’t even lock the doors to their houses .People can roam freely in the streets anytime irrespective of their genders. Japan has a Low homicides rate, provides best cyber security, and has great infrastructure and personal security. Japan also had a low covid death rate with 40 covid deaths per 1 million people and vaccinated its citizens effectively.


 A small country in the central Europe this neutral country offers high quality of life. Safety is just not another word for the swizz people but of uttermost importance. Famous for its culture and natural beauty, Switzerland is a safe haven. Though pickpocketing and purse snatching seldom occurs at public places, Switzerland has low violent crime rate. It has a low unemployment, skilled labor and has a strong economy. It is not only one of the safest country but also tops the happiest country ranking. Switzerland has really clean air, good health and environment quality and should definitely be in your bucket list.

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