NASA observing nearby star that is similar to young sun
image: NASA

NASA observing nearby star that is similar to young sun

NASA scientists have investigated a star that is close to our solar system and is believed to resemble the Sun when it was in its early days. The observation aims to enable astronomers to gain a better knowledge of what the Sun might have been like when it was young. Besides, the investigation would also allow them to understand how the Sun would’ve shaped the atmosphere and formation of our planet. Currently, the Sun is 4.65 billion years old and is said to be a middle-aged star.

Astronomers aim to determine what allowed the Sun to enable life on Earth. One in ten stars show similar characteristics as the Sun, and many are in their early stages of development. Scientists are observing the characteristics of young stars similar to ours to theorize how our star was when it was in its early phase of life. The star under investigation is known as Kappa 1 Ceti.

Similar to our young Sun?

The star is around 30 light-years away, which is a relatively close distance in astronomical terms. The star is estimated to be between 600 and 750 million years old, about the same age as the Sun when our planet was under formation. The star also has a similar mass and surface temperature as the Sun.

Scientists on the project have used existing solar models to predict important but difficult to determine characteristics of the young star. The model is dependent on data input from several space missions, including the Hubble Space Telescope, TESS, and NICER missions. Younger stars show high energy bursts compared to older stars.

Does Kappa Ceti have exoplanets?

Stellar winds are one way for younger stars to release some of their energy. These winds comprise superhot gas known as plasma. Understanding the stellar wind is imperative because they move towards orbiting planets and have impacts on their atmosphere.

The stellar wind can have a significant impact on planets at any stage of their lives. Scientists hope to find a star that has similar characteristics to a young Sun with an exoplanet orbiting it. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that Kappa 1 Ceti has exoplanets at this time.

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