Do Potential Health Benefits Of Kombucha Stand Up To Scientific Scrutiny?

Do Potential Health Benefits Of Kombucha Stand Up To Scientific Scrutiny?

Kombucha holds a special place among the beverages. You may find it everywhere from supermarket shelves to workplace refrigerators and even in restaurants and cafés. As this fermented fizzy drink grew in demand, so did claims of its health gains, from improved digestion, metabolism, immunity, liver function, heart health and more. But do these claims supported by researchers? Earlier scientific research on the health benefits of kombucha has mainly involved animals or cells in a dish, which often don’t offer much insight. Researchers believe only randomized, clinical trials on people could help clear up the misinformation and uncertainty over kombucha health benefits.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at discovermagazine
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