Ultrafast Camera Captures Ten Trillion Frames Per Second

Ultrafast Camera Captures Ten Trillion Frames Per Second

The world’s fastest camera has been unveiled by Caltech’s professor Lihong Wang.  The camera is capable of taking 10 trillion pictures per second and is so quick that it can record the movement of light in slow motion. The technology used in the camera is called phase-sensitive compressed ultrafast photography (pCUP) and consists of lossless encoding compressed ultrafast technology (LLE-CUP). The newly developed camera is the blend of a high-speed photography system and an old technology called phase-contrast microscopy. Although the camera is still early in its development but could be useful in various fields such as physics, biology, or chemistry.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at caltech
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