Top Ten Future Technologies You Must Know About

Top Ten Future Technologies You Must Know About

There was a time when humans did not have even the slightest idea about technology. They lived simple lives, did household chores, plough fields and random other jobs which were necessary for their survival. The humans of that time must have never even imagined that the household chores would someday be done by robots or farming would be done by machines and everything that took a lot of man hours would be done in a jiffy by machines. Today everything around us works because of technology and we are surrounded by it. From our phones to our cars everything is technology and is evolving every minute. Long-time back people travelled in bullock carts then we introduced cars and now people like Elon Musk are ready with flying cars. Humans are improving their thought processing and skills and many are planning to take humans to other planets that will expand our species on other planets. Keeping recent technologies aside, you must have definitely thought about the future technologies that will bring a huge impact on humans and will help them to reach the heights. So here is a list of top ten future technologies that will be introduced and accessible to all soon.

  • Energy storing bricks

You for sure have seen ordinary red bricks from which your houses are made and it will be hard to believe that these cheap bricks can store energy. These bricks are used with cement to construct houses, office buildings and many other things but a recent study showed that red bricks can also be used to store energy. They can act like batteries and can power electronic devices. A technique has been created by researchers of chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis.  By connecting these red bricks to solar panels they are able to store renewable energy. Researchers are working on increasing the capacity for storing energy at the lowest costs.

  • Sea water fuel

Scientists have been working day in and day out to bring out new possibilities in different areas for extracting fuel from different resources. One such idea is getting seawater fuel. Ships could use sea water as fuel which would be environment friendly and cheap. The ships would be given pumps that can return the waste sea water after collecting and converting it into fuel.  For this idea to work, the scientists are finding ways to make the ships self-sufficient which can produce never ending amount of their own fuel. We would be able to save a lot of fuel if this idea becomes a reality and ship consume a major portion of fuel available.

  • 4D printing

30 years back humans developed 3D printing technique which has helped the humankind in many ways. Today after so many successful projects, many companies are working to develop 4D printing that would be cheap and easily accessible to everyone just like simple printers at our homes. The MIT self assembly lab is continuously working on this project by constructing, assembling and testing its performance. 4D printing will be a process in which the 3D printed object will construct itself into another structure with the help of different factors.

  •  Fast water purifier

There are many people who die of deadly diseases that come with untreated water. The untreated water proves to be dangerous for the people but many are helpless because of the slow process and high costs of water treatment. To solve this problem researchers from Standford university have come with an idea to develop a water purifier that can treat the water 80,000 times faster than filters we use today. This process is possible by using simple cotton as the filter fabric for coating by using nano tubes and nano wires and then electrifying them.  This technique can be used at cheap costs all over the world as there are no moving parts so no power will be used to run it.

  • Robotic bees

Due to climatic changes and land degradation a lot of living beings have been in threat. Some of them have even become extinct because of global warming. One of the most important insects we need are bees and recent research have warned the humans that in future there is a chance that  bees could go extinct like many other organisms.  Bees help in pollination due to which plants reproduce. If bees go extinct, apparently humans would too. To avoid this crisis in future, a group of scientists from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have developed a solution that is the robotic bee that could solve the problem. The robotic bee can be controlled to travel from plant to plant for pollination which would help the future generations to survive.

  •  LiFi

Many technologies are  being worked on to make data transferring more easy and reliable. One such technology is the LiFi. Light which is a necessity for humans can unbelievably be used in data transferring. There have been multiple challenges being faced because of 5g, so scientists are busy in developing LiFi which is a wireless technology and can transmit at multiple gigabits, virtually interference free, securer than WiFi or cellular data and more reliable.

  • Femtosecond Projection 2 Photon Lithography ( FP-TPL)

 3D printers are very expensive for the common people to afford and are not that much developed  for big industries to use. Scientists have developed a way that will use laser which will make millions of points continuously on to 3D printing material, instead of working with only one point at a time. This technique will help to produce 3D prints at a much faster way and the outcome of the product  will be of better quality.

  • Artificial neural network

There is a chance that you might not know what neural network is. Well neural network comes under artificial intelligence which are made to think like a human’s brain. For example some apps ask for face recognition, this is all neural network. Researchers and scientists have been working on improving the neural networks which will help in bettering the driver assistance systems, drones, virtual reality, autonomous vehicles and all the things that require neural network.

  • YOLO5

For those who don’t know YOLO stands for you look only once and it comes from the group of the top object detection models. Yolov5 is another version which can be introduced in future according to the researchers. Yolov5 will be the fastest and will have the most accurate comparing skills as compared to the other models that were introduced before. In this new technology you can train the YOLO5 and set it up according to your wish.

  • Zero knowledge proof

 Zero knowledge proof is a cryptographic tool we could use to prove something without revealing the information underlying the proof. In simple words zero knowledge proof is a way of doing authentication in which no passwords are exchanged meaning nobody can steal your passwords. With advancement of the tool zero knowledge proof, you don’t need to worry about your privacy.

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