Top Health Benefits Of Cannabis Plant

Top Health Benefits Of Cannabis Plant

Cannabis plants are not only used for recreational purposes but they have ample amounts of health benefits which often skip our attention. Cannabis is a genus of flowering plant in the family of Cannabaceae. Most common use of the plant includes in manufacturing mind-altering drugs. For non-drug use, cultivation of the plant is called hemp. The three recognized species of the plant are Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis. Everything has its pros and cons. It depends on us which aspect we want to utilize. The article opts for a positive approach and counts some for the many benefits this plant provides us.

1.Weight Loss

Being in shape and slim is a forever trend now. People go crazy to lose some kgs, they spend huge amounts of money on their diet and workout just for the same. Research suggests that regular cannabis users tend to have a lower Body Mass Index than the average person who does not use cannabis. One of the major reasons for this lies in the ability of plants to regulate insulin production in the body and overall caloric effect. A study published in 2019 in the International Journal of Epidemiology showed that cannabis users actually experienced less weight gain over a three-year period compared to non-cannabis users. The results indicate that subjects who quit using cannabis lost the least amount of weight (–0.81) compared to those who had just started using cannabis (–0.97). Regular users saw the greatest change in BMI with a 1.26 reduction.

2.Regulate Diabetes

As mentioned above, cannabis regulates insulin which in turn can regulate Diabetes. A recent study revealed that cannabis compounds play an important role in controlling blood sugar, lowering BMI and increasing levels of “good cholesterol”. Effects of cannabinoid’s anti-inflammatory properties may work as an effective treatment for type 2 Diabetes. Studies found that marijuana could help increase insulin sensitivity, and some have associated a lower fasting insulin level compared to those who were not using marijuana recreationally. Even though some of the research is promising about the benefits of cannabis on blood sugar control, there still isn’t enough research to be clear about its influence.

3.Fight Cancer

Patients enduring chemotherapy to soothe the intense side effects, recent research suggests that cannabis may be able to inhibit and/or kill cancer cells without affecting normal white blood cells. Researchers believe that cannabis with higher amounts of CBD may be even more effective in killing cancer cells, which could be ground-braking for the medical community if further tested or elaborated on. Astounding testimonials about cannabis and its derived products shrinking tumors or curing terminal cases are easy to find on the internet. Of all claims, perhaps the boldest is the assertion that cannabis can cure cancer. Overall, it is too early to make any claims about CBD as a cancer treatment. While the initial results of small studies on cancer cells are promising, they are not conclusive.

4.Ease Symptoms of Depression

Depression, anxiety and other mental disorders are unwanted gifts of modern lifestyle. People die due to depression. No doubt, it is a curable disorder but there is always a scope of betterment in the field of health. Researchers have been studying the link between cannabis and depression. Results showed that depressed people tend to have reduced endocannabinoid levels, which can be resolved by using cannabis to restore the system’s balance. In a group surveyed about marijuana usage for chronic pain, 71 percent didn’t report any significant side effects. Six percent reported a cough or throat irritation.

5.Effective in Treating Autism

Another unbelievable benefit of the plant is effectiveness in treatment of autism spectrum disorder without any significant side effects some experience from the two FDA- approved psychotics. It helps to regulate mood, which could be helpful with social and cognitive struggles that people with autism may experience. Autistic children are given CBD and THCA oil to help regulate mood swings and other challenging symptoms. The testimonials of parents who have administered marijuana to their autistic children are striking, but the medical research community has some catching up to do. If scientific studies prove what many parents believe to be true, it could open up a whole new world of legal treatment.

6.Protection from Corona

The Corona virus has turned our lives upside down. From sitting at home for the last two years to losing our dear ones, the entire world has undergone great loss of life and resources. Still very little is known about the disease. But scientists are trying their level best to make it. Researchers are looking into whether the plant may reduce coronavirus susceptibility as well as its potential to stop deadly cytokine storms. Researchers in Canada have conducted a study suggesting that novel Cannabis sativa extracts may decrease levels of the host cell receptor that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) uses to gain viral entry to target tissues. SARS-CoV-2 is the agent responsible for the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that continues to sweep the globe threatening public health and the worldwide economy.7

7.Regulation of Seizures

Cannabis is said to be effective in regulating seizures and epilepsy in children and adults. Early evidence from laboratory studies, anecdotal reports, and small clinical studies over a number of years suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) could potentially help control seizures. Research on CBD has been hard to do, taken time due to federal regulations and limited access to cannabidiol. There are also many financial and time constraints. In recent years, a number of studies have shown the benefit of specific plant-based CBD products in treating specific groups of people with epilepsy who have not responded to traditional therapies. These studies used a control group with some participants taking placebo while others in the experimental group were given CBD. These studies are called gold standard studies.

8.Decrease healing time in Bone Fractures

Apart from the pain, another frustrating thing about bone injuries is the eternal time span it takes to heal. Cannabis plants can be used to reduce the healing time of bone damage. A study done by the American Society for Bone and Mineral in rats with broken legs was drastically improved after just eight weeks. Scientists have been studying for the past decade the effect that the cannabinoid has on bone healing and development.  It seems they can agree that CBD can accelerate the process of the body healing broken bones and making them stronger. A research paper published in the issue of International Immunopharmacology tested the effects of 5 milligrams of cannabidiol in a periodontitis experimental model of rats. After 30 days a morphometrical analysis of alveolar bone loss demonstrated that CBD treated animals presented a decreased alveolar bone loss.

9.Effective in Erasing ADHD Symptoms

Concentration is a big brain time for patients with ADHD. Cannabis might prove to be an effective solution. While medication exists like Ritalin or Adderall, cannabis might be a safer alternative with a lower risk of unwanted side effects. Patients who’ve used cannabis to self-treat their symptoms have reported the plant may help with agitation, irritability, and lack of restraint. So far, it is good news, more randomized clinical trials targeting ADHD patients with pure CBD oil or isolate are still needed before researchers can make conclusive claims. A recent self-reported study looked at cannabis use in participants. It was found that individuals were more likely to report hyperactivity or impulsiveness when they were not taking cannabis. Results were again validated in 2017. In a trial looked at adults with ADHD treated with Sativex, a medication containing CBD and THC cannabinoids. While improvements were minimal, reduction in ADHD symptoms was still reported.

10.Aid in Serious Addiction Recovery

Quite contradictory to its well-known use, cannabis can also be used in rehabilitation. During the opioid crisis, patients have reported the plant’s ability to help soothe the withdrawal symptoms that come with detoxing from drugs like heroin or other opiates. The thinking is that some addicts with the most severe addictions are not ready for full abstinence, and a harm reduction program with a less harsh drug like cannabis makes sense. It bears noting, however, that there are no scientific or long-term studies to back up these methods. The main concern today in recommending marijuana as a viable addiction recovery treatment is that there are no studies to support its use. Quite the opposite is true. One paper found that using marijuana for cocaine withdrawal actually worsened symptoms and intensified cravings.

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