These Strategies To Avoid Temptations Helps To Achieve Goals

These Strategies To Avoid Temptations Helps To Achieve Goals

A research paper reveals that people who proactively plan to avoid the temptations to achieve goals are more likely to get more success. Researchers Wilkowski and Williamson carried out two studies on undergraduate college students to check the effectiveness of the following five self-control strategies. Situation Selection-avoiding situations that involve temptation, Situation Modification – decreasing the influence of temptation, Distraction-Diverting attention from temptation, Reappraisal – Making less appealing perception about a temptation, Response Inhibition – Putting efforts while facing temptation. The researchers observed that people who followed the first four strategies were more successful in achieving their goals.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at scienceblog

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