Study Shows ‘Dr. Google’ Wrong More Often Than Not
Credits : Science Alert

Study Shows ‘Dr. Google’ Wrong More Often Than Not

A new study has revealed that people who check their symptoms on the internet only get accurate medical advice about a third of the time. A team of researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) analyzed 36 international mobile and web-based symptom checkers and discovered they produced an accurate analysis as the first result just 36% of the time and within the top three issues only 52%. Researchers also noticed that the information provided regarding when and where to inquire healthcare was accurate less than half the time. Researchers believe the internet is not a replacement for going to the doctor, but they can help provide more knowledge once you do have an official medical checkup.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at sciencealert
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