Researchers develop tiny device that detects bad breath

Researchers develop tiny device that detects bad breath

We all have a constant fear of having a bad breath but are too embarrassed to ask someone. That’s where a newly developed gadget comes into play, as per the American Chemical Society that published a study on the device.

Scientists say this device is a big as a thumb and is capable of detecting the gas responsible for bad breath. Bad breath is related to oral health issues and it’s mostly impossible for a person to tell if they have a bad breath, and it could be embarrassing when they’re around other people.

Determines bad breath by detecting hydrogen sulfide

The newly developed device is a portable gadget that can monitor for a specific gas in one breath. That gas is hydrogen sulfide, which has a bad odor and indicates that someone should get their oral health in check.

This gas can be detected in exhaled breath using instruments, but until now the only equipment that can provide this information is expensive, which means it is not meant for average users. The new device, however, is cheap and small enough to carry around in a bag or pockets.

Gadget scores high on accuracy

The gadget works in real-time with the aid of a combination of materials that react strongly when exposed to hydrogen sulfide; it includes tungsten, platinum, and sodium chloride. It the material detects the gas it reacts, resulting in a drop in electrical resistance, allowing the device to note whether a person’s breath is smelling bad. As per the study, the device can easily identify bad breath in 86% of cases.

Though the gadget is yet to make it mainstream markets, researchers claim that their system could be fitted into compact devices for consumers to use. This might come in handy for people who are at risk of oral health disorders, allowing them to monitor for evidence of bad breath.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at eurekalert
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