Best Astronomy Quiz For Astronomy Masters

Best Astronomy Quiz For Astronomy Masters

Nebulae are also pleasant things to look at in binoculars. Which famous nebula, evident to the naked eye as a fuzzy star, looks just a whole lot better in binoculars?

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The numbers on your binoculars, like 6x35, 7x50, 8x50, etc., relate to what?

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This star cluster is famous for new binocular astronomers to look at. It's visible to the naked eye, so much so that is often confused with the Little Dipper, and it looks stunning in binoculars. It's too big to fit the whole thing in most telescopes' fie

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You're assuming you'd maybe like to do some backyard binocular astronomy. Three of these would be useful, but which is NOT necessary accessories?

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Globular star clusters are compressed, spherical groups of hundreds of thousands of stars, and they develop a somewhat spherical pattern around the Milky Way galaxy. Unlike open star clusters, they tend to look like fuzzy blobs, even with telescopes. Whic

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If you were traveling into the country to see the Leonids, Perseids and Orionids, what would you be watching for?

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Which of these planetary characteristics can you observe in binoculars?

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So, you're outdoor at night with your binoculars. The most prominent astronomical feature in the sky is, of course, the moon. Which of these lunar traits can you see with binoculars?

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You won't be able to view many galaxies in binoculars unless you have a dark sky and really big binoculars. But, this spiral galaxy, a close neighbor of the Milky Way, can be easily observed with 7 x 50 binoculars even in my light-polluted suburban back y

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Albireo, Beta Cygni, is a beautiful double star to study in binoculars. What color are the two stars?

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Best Astronomy Quiz For Astronomy Masters
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