New water disinfectant touted to be million times more effective

New water disinfectant touted to be million times more effective

Scientists have created a new instant water disinfectant that is made using only hydrogen and the air that surrounds it. It is touted to be “millions of times more effective” than conventional methods at clearing the water of bacteria.

Additionally, the inventors of the new method have suggested that it can help safely deliver potable water to communities in need. Besides, the new disinfectant is also cost-effective. Around 780 million people across the globe lack a reliable clean water source, and millions more will face similar issues in the coming months.

Other chemicals prevent degradation

The study published in the journal Science shows the use of a catalyst of gold and palladium to instantly turn hydrogen and oxygen into hydrogen peroxide, which is also a common disinfectant. Millions of tons of hydrogen peroxide are produced in factories every year. This disinfectant is then stored until it’s ready for use.

To prevent it from degradation, other chemicals are added to the solution. Some of these chemicals even limit the disinfecting abilities of hydrogen peroxide. Conventional methods use hydrogen peroxide with chlorine. But chlorine could react with naturally occurring compounds in water producing toxins that can be harmful to humans. The new disinfectant eliminates the safety issues.

More effective and efficient than commercial methods

“The significantly enhanced bactericidal and virucidal activities achieved when reacting hydrogen and oxygen using our catalyst, rather than using commercial hydrogen peroxide or chlorination shows the potential for revolutionizing water disinfection technologies around the world,” study co-author Graham Hutchings said in a press release.

“We now have proven one-step process where, besides the catalyst, inputs of contaminated water and electricity are the only requirements to attain disinfection,” said Hutchings, a professor of chemistry at the Cardiff Catalysis Institute.

The scientists found that their new disinfectant was 10 million times more effective in removing bacteria and viruses from water when compared to commercially produced hydrogen peroxide. It is not just more effective, but also way more efficient in doing so.  Previously, researchers from the UK and India developed a cheap sensor capable of detecting fragments of the COVID-19 virus within the wastewater

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