Jupiter-Like Planets Could Form Around Tiny Stars in Just a Few Thousand Years
Credits : Universe Today

Jupiter-Like Planets Could Form Around Tiny Stars in Just a Few Thousand Years

A new study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Central Lancashire has revealed that giant planets could form around small stars much faster than earlier thought. The study revealed that small stars in our galaxy like Red dwarfs could build giant planets up to 10 times bigger than Jupiter. Researchers used the UK Distributed Research Advanced Computing (DiRAC) supercomputing facility to resemble the development of protoplanetary discs around red dwarf stars. The study suggests that the rotating discs of dense gas and dust are found around all newly born stars and can break up into pieces, leading to the formation of the planet. The study concluded that the creation of giant planets happens within a few thousand years, a timescale that is notably fast in astrophysical terms.

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