Fun Science Activity: Blowing the Best Bubbles

Fun Science Activity: Blowing the Best Bubbles

Need a super fun activity to keep your toddlers engaged and entertained when you have to do your own daily chores? How about blowing the best bubbles? Your kids will love blowing big, fluffy bubbles, and you’ll love how quick and easy this activity is to set up and set up and clean up! Is there a kid out there who doesn’t cherish bubbles?  Bubbles are amusing and fascinating, and always keep the kids giggling. It can be done indoors, so it’s ideal for keeping kids entertained while you’re preparing lunch or dinner. In this amazing science activity, you will find out which solution produces the best bubbles!

About Blowing the Best Bubbles Activity

Have you ever questioned what creates a bubble? The secret to making bubbles is surface tension.  Adding soap to water changes the surface tension of that water, and this generates a great solution to form bubbles. Exploring how to make bubbles and forming these bubbles is a fabulous activity for kids. It’s excellent to improve their understanding of early scientific processes such as planning, investigation, and observation. This super-easy homemade bubble recipe and bubble experiment are a great way to introduce your kids to parts of the scientific method in a fun, significant way at home or in the classroom.

Supplies Required Blowing the Best Bubbles Activity

  • 6 cups room temperature water
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup 
  • 1 cup dish soap

Steps Involved In The Blowing the Best Bubbles Activity

  • Firstly, start by gathering the kids around and invite them to help you make the bubbles together. 
  • You can also do this as a small group activity and create a small batch of bubbles with each group.
  • Now, add the corn syrup to the room temperature water in a large bowl or container and invite the kids to stir gently until it is thoroughly mixed. Then, add the dish soap and have kids mix gently again without making suds.
  • You will get the best outcomes if you let your homemade bubble solution sit uncovered overnight before using it.
  • After you make the bubble solution with the kids, encourage a discussion about the process, and ask for their predictions about what will occur next.
  • The next day, after your bubble solution has settled overnight, invite your kids to produce their own bubble wands with chenille stems (pipe cleaners).
  • Show how to twist the chenille stems to create bubble wands. You may require to offer support and supervision with this portion of the activity depending on the ages and ability levels of your kids.

Before you start, inform your children that they require to blow OUT and not suck IN, or they’ll end up with a mouthful of foamy water. You can have your children practice this first, if need be, by blowing through the straw to move a tissue or pompom across the floor or tabletop. Of course, if you think your child is too small to understand the concept of blowing out through the straw, this activity is best left until he or she is a little older. Now that everyone’s clear on the blowing process, have ’em stick those straws in their bowls, and BLOW!

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