Drug Reduces Levels Of A Protein Related To ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

Drug Reduces Levels Of A Protein Related To ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

While some cholesterol is a good thing for properly functioning cells, too much of it can cause blockages in the arteries and heart trouble, along with a host of other negative health issues. Now, a treatment that particularly targets lipoprotein(a) levels is on the horizon. In a clinical trial, the drug has potentially reduced the people’s levels of lipoprotein(a) by as much as 80 percent. As of now, researchers will continue to test the drug for about four years in more than 7,500 people with cardiovascular disease. If the trial would be successful, further research will be required to see if the drug also helps people with high levels of lipoprotein(a) avoid developing cardiovascular disease in the first place.

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