Bystander Effect-What Separates Onlookers From Action-takers?

Bystander Effect-What Separates Onlookers From Action-takers?

Empathy and social responsibility are some of the fundamental beliefs of humanity which are sadly losing their presence in the present world. The bystander effect happens when the appearance of others discourages a person from intervening in an accident. Rather than intervening to defend the victim, they stand by giggling and filming the incident and don’t even contact the police. Studies have shown those who have stepped up tend to have high self-esteem and feel bold about their judgment, values, and ability. Those people scored higher on perceived control, empathy, and social responsibility, the same features as those who had rescued Jews in Nazi Germany.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at discovermagazine
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