Another luxury capsule readying for commercial space travel
image: Space Perspective

Another luxury capsule readying for commercial space travel

After the successful spaceflights from Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin, space tourism services are going to soar. Both rides use powerful rockets to ferry passengers near the Kármán line, which is 62 miles above Earth.  Now, another company might soon join the bandwagon with an aim to offer space rides with luxury.

Space Perspective has built and tested its Spaceship Neptune, which is a luxury eight-seat piloted capsule that’s lifted with the help of a giant hydrogen-filled balloon. The interior of the spacecraft will include chairs, a refreshments bar, Wi-Fi, and windows for a 360-degree view.

Six hours of fun

The Florida-based company recently shared a video giving a glimpse of what passengers will experience during the trip above the clouds. It’s worth noting that despite using “space” for both company name and vehicle name, Spaceship Neptune only goes up to 20 miles high above Earth, well below the Kármán line, but three times higher than a long-haul passenger jet.

Besides, there will be no zero-gravity experience where passengers will be able to float around the capsule for several minutes. Space Perspective’s ride will last six hours, which is way longer than what Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic offered.

Passengers aboard Spaceship Neptune will be able to enjoy a two-hour ascent, another two hours to enjoy the mesmerizing views, and then two hours to come back. The cost for a ticket is set at $125,000, which is more affordable than Virgin Galactic’s ticket cost set at $450,000.

Will also serve as space laboratory

Space Perspective started selling tickets a few months back and the first flight will take place in 2024, though the company says it’s already sold out, with rides for 2025 now selling. Moreover, the capsule will also serve as a high-altitude laboratory, enabling scientists to observe climate and solar physics in our planet’s atmosphere.

Space Perspective’s balloon will take off from Florida’s Space Coast Spaceport that is nearby the Kennedy Space Center. The company hopes to add more launch sites across the globe over the years. The space race is going to be fierce in the years to come as many private companies are preparing for it.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at digitaltrends
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