Biological treatment is just one of many steps in waste-water processing. Which one tertiary treatment method is invented to detoxify the water further?
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Which one is NOT a member of the crow family?
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Some substances create a lot of trouble in trying to remove them from the water, and although they are not harmful as such, harm can still be done if the concentration in the water is too high. Which of the following is not a problem?
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Another step in a waste management system is Rotating Biological Contactors. In what country were these contactors first used?
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In small communities, zoos, parks, and even industrial sites you may notice artificial reed beds and medium-sized ponds with sand and water plants. Those are used instead of the standard secondary treatments. What are they called?
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What is the Latin name of the ash tree?
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Which wild plant is also called 'Jack by the hedge'?
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There are more modern techniques to filter dirty water. Which one is NOT of those modern techniques?
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Which of the following can lead to desertification?
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An easy one to start: Where does an otter live?
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