Children’s IQ In The US Lowered By Exposure To Toxic Chemicals

Children’s IQ In The US Lowered By Exposure To Toxic Chemicals

A new study from New York University has revealed that flame retardants which are used in manufactured materials such as plastics, textiles, etc caused a loss of 162 million IQ points among children in the US between 2001 and 2016. For decades, scientists have considered exposure to lead and mercury threatening for brain development in children. But now pesticides and flame retardants have overtaken them as potential threats. Researchers have shown concern over fewer efforts made by the authorities to regulate toxic chemicals and suggested parents should avoid using pesticides, mattresses and children’s toys that contain harmful chemicals.

Disclaimer: The above article has been aggregated by a computer program and summarised by an Steamdaily specialist. You can read the original article at sciencealert
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