10 of the Best Space Documentaries Ever Made

10 of the Best Space Documentaries Ever Made

We can only call the universe observable universe because certain heroes (including the ones behind the scenes) accord their life to science so that we humans can get to know about the infinite cosmos. But not every astrophile can be an astronomer or an astronaut or anyone who works in the human space exploration industry. For those, there are hundreds of space documentaries out there in the world that delve deep into unknown made by fellow astrophiles. 

While choosing the best space documentaries is subjective and depends on the viewer’s taste, we feel there are a few documentaries that are a must see and will definitely make you see life differently. Here are our top 10 picks.

1. The Mars Generation 

The Mars Generation – View Here

To start with, the first movie is an inspiration for all aspiring astronauts as well as their friends and family. The movie “The Mars Generation” is about American teenagers who see their future in astronomy and are living their life with a dream to travel to Mars. It is a space camp for the astronauts of tomorrow, where they explore the possibility of life on Mars for mankind. Apart from the training camp, the documentaries also feature several experts who reflect on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s history and future. It is a must-watch for all space nerds who wish to continue their passion into their career. 

2. Journey to the Edge of the Universe


You know that if it’s a Nat Geo documentary, you will seldom be disappointed. Journey to the Edge of the Universe is no different. This 2008 movie promises to take you on a graphic-packed ride to the edge of your seat, smack you with scientific facts and take your breath away with the tour of the universe. 

The documentary is made using the images from the Hubble Space Telescope. There are two versions of the movie available- the U.S. version and the British version narrated by Alex Baldwin and Sean Pertwee respectively.

3. Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman


If you have questions about the greatest mysteries of our existence, Through the Wormhole hosted by Morgan Freeman is a docu-series that covers every aspect of science from Astrophysics to Quantum Mechanics. It brings together the greatest minds on the planet to uncover the answers to questions like what was there before the big bang and many others. If all this does not convince you to watch this fantastic series, Morgan Freeman definitely will! 

4. Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage”


Written and narrated by the great late Carl Sagan in 1980, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is a 13-part documentary series that is a must-watch for everyone who thinks of themselves as fans of human space exploration. The same goes for humans not interested in astronomy. Once you watch it, you will definitely swing that way. The series explore billions of years of cosmic evolution, the development of science, human civilization as well as the existence of alien civilisations. It covers topics ranging from anthropology, cosmology, history and astronomy among others. To know more about science and philosophy and the future of science from Carl Sagan’s point of view, go watch it now! 

5. Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey


You need some material after watching the 1980’s Cosmos. The perfect follow up for it is “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey”, which is a sequel of sorts for Cosmos. Just like the former, this is also split in 13 episodes that features current science, discoveries, and upgraded graphics. Released in 2014, the episodes are hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson and is the perfect series to binge-watch over the weekend. 

6. The Last Man on the Moon 


As the name of the title suggests, the documentary “The Last Man on the Moon” is about the last man who went to the moon, his personal life, professional life and everything in between. The movie is written by Mark Craig who delves deep into Gene Cernan’s life. He was a part of the Apollo 17, which was the last time humans flew to the moon. This compelling story puts a different perspective for the viewers. It is about the astronauts life, his aspirations, what his ambition meant for his family and their sacrifices. To understand what goes into the mind of an astronaut during the whole process, this documentary is the one to watch. 

7. IMAX: Hubble 


There is no doubt in our mind that one of the best inventions in the world is the Hubble Space Telescope. While humans had been getting closer to the space for a while, it was the Hubble that changed the face of human space exploration. It opened the doors for the unobservable universe the bridged the gap between all of us. To honour this valuable invention and understand its work even more, IMAX: Hubble is the best documentary. To make it even more interesting, the documentary is narrated by the one and only Leonardo DiCaprio. 

8. Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking


If there is one documentary that everyone on this planet should watch at least one, it has to be Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. Written by one of the most brilliant minds in the world as well as the most acclaimed scientist in our history, this 2019 mini-series features the story of everything, time travel, and aliens. It has everything you could want from a documentary from romance to science. 

9. The Farthest: Voyager in Space 


Currently Voyager 1 is the farthest man-made object from us, 13.2 billion miles away from the Sun. It is travelling at the rate of 10 miles/second. It is undoubtedly one of the most important achievement by humans concerning human space exploration. Launched in 1977, the 2 tiny probes are still floating in the space and proving information to the Deep Space Network everyday. The Farthest: Voyager in Space is the story of the Voyager mission, from the beginning to the end. It beautifully captures the human fascination for space travel and what awaits us beyond the edge. 

10. Apollo 11


Apollo 11 is the mission that needs no introduction. During this mission, humans made history and man walked on the surface of the moon for the first time. There are various documentaries made on the mission that are brilliant, however, “Apollo 11” is the best in our library. The movie is packed with real life footage from NASA’s control room as well as from the rocket and moon lander. 

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